首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
7天退貨/換貨政策 以下是有關如何處理退貨或換貨的詳細說明。該政策從購買之日起開始。請查看其中一項是否與您有關,以及我們的7天退貨政策是否涵蓋了這些商品。 我們的7天全額退貨/換貨政策涵蓋了以下原因: (Unikks珠寶公司負責退貨郵費和更換費用) · 我們發送了錯誤的訂單或商品,您收到了任何損壞的商品,或者收到的產品品質不佳/有缺陷。 · 您收到了不正確的照片吊飾。如果圖片的外觀與Unikks Jewelry提供的照片不同。 · 油漆破裂,晶體脫落等。(我們將只交換同一產品,或等於或小於此值的商品。) 我們的7天有限覆蓋退貨/換貨政策涵蓋以下原因: (客戶負責退回郵費和替換郵費。Unikks珠寶不退還任何運輸費用。) · 您選擇了錯誤尺寸的手鏈或戒指。 · 因改變主意,個人品味等而導致的個人原因 · 個性化物品是唯一的一種,除非有缺陷或損壞,否則無法將其退還。 我們的7天退貨政策不包含以下原因,我們對這些問題不承擔任何責任。 · 產品暴露於腐蝕性物質或化學物質。暴露於刺激性化學物質下可能會改變Unikks Jewelry產品的外觀。這些化學物質包括但不限於液體銀油,游泳池,熱水浴缸​​和溫泉。氧化的銀很容易損壞。 · 產品因濫用,處理不當或維護不當而損壞。 · 銀片會因氧化,加班而出現細節,它們可能會顯得黑色。要去除它,請用銀色拋光布清潔以恢復其原始外觀。 退貨服務程式: · 請提交支持憑單,並附上代表品質問題的清晰照片。 · 請按照我們的客戶服務團隊提供的說明進行操作。 · 退貨將在收到您的商品後的3個工作日內處理。處理退貨後,我們客服人員將第一時間通過WhatsApp或者measenge與您取得聯繫。 請注意,付款處理超出了我們的控制範圍,因此最多可能需要7-10個工作日才能將資金存入到您在結帳時使用的帳戶。 請按照以下說明進行操作: · 退回的物品應該是新的並且未使用。它們應保持在收到它們時的原始狀態。 · 請聯繫我們的一位客戶服務代表以請求退貨授權和退貨說明。 取消政策: · 提交您的訂單後,我們將立即開始生產個性化商品。如果您想取消購買,則需支付30%的進貨費用。 · Unikks.com保留隨時對此政策進行任何修改的權利。任何更改的通知將在此頁面上發佈。 如果您有關於取消或任何其他政策的疑問,請聯繫我們的客戶服務代表。 7 Days Return/Exchange Policy Below are the detailed instructions on how to process a return or exchange. The policy begins from the date of purchase. Please see whether either of these pertain to you, and if the item(s) are covered by our 7days Return Policy. The following reasons are covered by our 7 day FULL COVERAGE Return/Exchange Policy: (Unikks Jewelry is responsible for return postage fees, and replacement fees) · We sent the wrong order or item(s), you received any broken items, or the quality of the products you received is poor/defective. · You received the incorrect photo charm. If the picture’s appearance is different from the photo provided to Unikks Jewelry. · Paint is chipping, Crystals fall off, etc. (We will only exchange the item(s) for the same product, or for item(s) or equal or lesser value.) The following reasons are covered by our 7 day LIMITED COVERAGE Return/Exchange Policy: (Customer is responsible for return postage fees, and replacement postage fees. Unikks Jewelry does not refund any shipping fees.) · You chose the wrong size bracelet(s) or ring(s). · Personal Reasons due to changed mind, personal taste, etc. · Personalized items are one-of-a-kind, it cannot be returned unless it is defective or damaged. The following reasons are NOT covered by our 7 day return policy, and we are not liable for these issues. · Products are exposed to corrosive substances, or chemicals. Exposure to harsh chemicals can alter that appearance of your Unikks Jewelry product. These chemicals include, but are not limited to, Liquid Silver Polish, Pools, Hot Tubs, and Spas. Oxidized silver are easily damaged. · Products are damaged by misuse, mishandling, or poor maintenance. · Silver pieces are given detail by oxidation, overtime, they may appear black. To remove this, please clean with the silver polishing cloth to return its original look. Return Service Procedure: · Please submit a support ticket, and attach clear photos of the items that represent a quality issue. · Please follow the instructions that are provided by our customer service team. · Returns will be processed within 3 business days of receipt of your item(s). we will contact you by WhatsApp or Messenger as soon as possible. Please note that payment processing is beyond our control and it may take up to 7-10 additional business days for the funds to be credited to your account used during checkout. Please follow the instructions below. · Items that are being returned should be new, and unworn. They should be kept in its original condition in which you received them in. · Please contact one of our customer service representatives to request return authorization, and the return instructions. CANCELLATION POLICY: · Once your order has been submitted we will immediately begin production on the personalized items. If you would like to cancel your purchase, your order is subject to a 30% restocking fee. · Unikks.com reserves the right to make any amendments to this policy at any time. Notification of any changes will be published on this page. If you have any inquiries regarding cancellations or any of our other policies please Contact our Customer Service Representatives.