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Unikks珠寶世家,始終遵循珠寶渾然天成的設計哲學,對每件產品都以真金白銀以及色彩斑斕的寶石爲原料,精心雕琢,不斷推出優質上乘,外觀獨特,高雅的珠寶. ♦ 我們擁有十年資深珠寶設計師. ♦ Uinkks堅持甄選頂級珠寶材質. ♦ 我們的目的是為了更美的妳. ♦ Give you the best jewelry. Unikks珠寶世家承諾: 每一位員工,都將為您提供最用心的服務. In 1916, is located in the Alps kapo lake and mountain, jeweler Anthony, met the other half of his life Sophia. Two people fall in love quickly. Because of identity, their love Sophia family opposition, so far escaped to Anthony hometown Florence. For their livelihood, Sophia and have the obsession about jewelry, so her jewelry design, Anthony making jewelry, days plain and happiness. Sophia in 1945 died due to illness, Anthony in honor of Sofia, creating jewelry workshops, with two people meet for the first time, named Ui, since then, Unikks was born. Established in 1957, Jade officially join father workshops, follow father learn jewelry craft manufacture technology, in the study after 30 years of technology and technological innovation, the family business to the peak, and the first jewelry factory was established in 1986. A family business into the peak, in honour of the outstanding contribution, 1986 will Unikks product trademarks as a family.
